LifeCycle Management Templates

Templates can be created to automate Teams Calling policies and number assignment for users and can then be bound to Azure AD security groups in Binding Templates to Security Groups. You can create templates to apply to logical group associations in your Active Directory tree. For example, create template groups according to regional sites or functional units. Number ranges can be assigned from configured ranges (see Managing Number Ranges) or from an external file (see

To manage templates:
1. In the Service portal Navigation pane, select LifeCycle Management Templates.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

To create a new template:
1. From the template drop-down list, click Create. A new template is created with a random number (e.g. New-Template).
2. In the Selected Template box, enter the desired name.

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated

3. Complete the Policy and Telephony settings section, and then select the policies you wish to assign.
4. From the Additional Policies drop-down list, select the desired Teams Policies, and then click Add Policy.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

5. Select the Policy Value for the selected policies. In the example above, the value is <Automatic>.
6. Enable Enterprise Voice option to enable Phone System in Microsoft 365 voice services. When configuring the Customer M365 Tenant voice in a template, a telephone number can automatically be assigned on user creation. A choice can be made from a selection of source numbers.

Enterprise Voice Phone Number Configuration



Assign Number From

Assign a phone number using one of the following range definitions:

Number Range

Number Range

Configures one of the predefined number ranges configured in Section Managing Number Ranges. This parameter is displayed when “Number Range” is displayed above.

Use Extensions

Determines whether extensions are configured.

Number of Digits

Configures the number of digits of the extension. This parameter is displayed when the “Use Extensions” check box is selected.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

7. When you have completed the configuration, click Submit All Changes.

When Phone is selected as source, the Azure Active Directory Phone number will be applied. If this number is changed within Azure Active Directory, it will also be used as the new telephone number for Teams. Telephone numbers other than Phone are only assigned during the automatic creation of the user and unlike policies are not enforced / changed during the lifecycle scheduled policy replication.

For Additional Templates Management:
Click Reload to reload an existing template.
Click Clone as to clone an existing template.
Click Delete to delete an existing template.